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This Pisses Me Off

Guest Don Gillespie

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Guest Don Gillespie

Ok I just ordered my EDm transmitter and Canada Post goes on partial strike, and now the wonderful goverment has decided to settle the issues, they need to lock the postal workers out, this is just freakin great when you need to get something stuff like this happens, whoever invents an idea where you can ship stuff through e-mail will be a billionair, lets just up the stamps by $5.00 so the guys pushing a broom in the union can make $95.00 an hour, what happened to the good old days where an honest days work for an honest days pay, obviously those days are gone, I am getting so tired of the younger workers coming to apply for jobs and expecting $25.00 an hour, maybe if Mom ansd Dad taught them some common sense the world would be a better place, I am now done venting,

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Ya otta see the crap going on in Wisconsin! We're finally getting rid of the collective bargaining, you should see all the crap the unions are trying to pull.

By the way, which one did you get? Did you get the full kit? I'm hoping to order one myself soon. A month or so ago they didn't have cases for the one I was wanting.

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Guest Don Gillespie

scubado wrote:

Ya otta see the crap going on in Wisconsin! We're finally getting rid of the collective bargaining, you should see all the crap the unions are trying to pull.

By the way, which one did you get? Did you get the full kit? I'm hoping to order one myself soon. A month or so ago they didn't have cases for the one I was wanting.

This one EDM-LCD-CD-EP
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Don, You could have driven to my house and I would have given you my Whole house gold transmitter for free, no postage. Just trying to be nice.

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Don't worry Don,

It will be weeks before that transmitter ever gets there, hopefully the strike or lockout will be over by then,


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Don Gillespie wrote:

Health care Obama care at least I got you guys who care LOL

Actually, Don, most of us probably don't care - we've already got our transmitters :P

But you can go ahead and sign me up in the union-hater category if you'd like... I can't see where any of them are doing the U.S. any good these days. Maybe 80 years ago if you worked in a NY sweatshop, but not anymore...
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Leave it to the government to screw things up... hope you don't need that transmitter anytime soon :P


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Guest Don Gillespie

shfr26 wrote:

Don, You could have driven to my house and I would have given you my Whole house gold transmitter for free, no postage. Just trying to be nice.

sure now you tell me I was there in Jan but noooooooooooooo offer back then was there. LOL :P
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Guest Don Gillespie

George Simmons wrote:

Actually, Don, most of us probably don't care - we've already got our transmitters :D

Now that there is funny, thanks George you always know what to say :)
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After start up at Wyeth Pharmaecuticles in Road Island a few years ago I really learned to hate the Unions..Me being a "RAT" tech and all. Took three Mass electricians to shadow me so I wouldn't deprive them of thirty five dollars and hour of wages to do my job !!! Wasn't allowed to check 24 VDC.. Unions set it up past 18 vdc was needing a Union worker to supervise:shock:

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