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Learning the hard way


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So last year was my first year doing a computerized show (32 channels), and it was a big hit. I was very excited when the news trucks showed up and we made the local TV. Then I was surprised when we even got a little bit of national coverage.

I thought, "Wow, this is cool."

Then about 15 minutes later the crowds showed up, in force. Some carolers came by and told me that the line of cars to see the house stretched a half mile down the road and some people were waiting up to an hour to get to the house.

Walking down the road my chin dropped when I saw the line of cars. I thought, "My neighbors are going to tar and feather me."

I did some stuff to help manage the line, but we had lots of traffic the rest of the season. I checked the police stats and there were only 2 traffic related calls from my neighborhood and no reports filed.

I thought everything was fine. I was wrong.

Last week we're hanging out at the community pool and we had a very chatty lady who seemed to know and talk to everyone. So anonymously I asked her what people thought of that house with all the lights.

I found out that although no one complained to me about this that there were in fact people that were not happy about the show. Heard that they were hoping the HOA board would block the show in the future, or keep it from expanding, ect. etc.

Certainly people here have had to deal with situations like these. Any suggestions? So far I've learned to avoid the media, now I'm looking for help in how to handle the neighborhood.

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Shorten the show.

No idea how many songs you have but try cutting 1/2 of them out until the traffic dies down.

Sounds like you live somewhere that can make you shut down your display.

I seem to remember one guy had to move because they wouldn't let him put up his lights.

I am lucky because I live on a bus route across from a school( Lots of parking on that side of the street). You can see the lights from the school parking lot but need a little more power to hear the music clearly.

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I would certainly not base your response on one "chatty lady".

More than likely, she was the ONLY one complaining, but to give her "negative" thoughts any credibility, she had to make it sound worse and that half the neighborhood was behind her...more than likely, she is jealous that your display made the news and hers did not.

I say, until you hear from the "authorities" (police or your HOA) plan on making your display TWICE as big and TWICE as long!!! (What do your HOA rules say about displays? If you are in the guidelines, not much they can do about it.)

To hell with the Scrooges of the world!!!

It's OUR holiday and we will celebrate any way we want!!!!

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jimswinder wrote:

I would certainly not base your response on one "chatty lady".

Here! Here! I take the feedback at face value, but she only actually named 2 people that had issues and had not seen the lights herself. However; I take it seriously though if I've offended even one neighbor. That said, I had tons of positive feedback. Heard from parents of special needs children, young military families that drove over an hour, etc.

When we did have the hoard outside, what I did was cut the show down to 1 song (Wizards) with a drop sequence where the lights were out and I gave the please be nice to our neighbors speech. Then I had a 3 song version that would keep it under control on busy nights.

If I don't keep the neighbors happy then I could have a problem.

The street is perfect for lights though. That half mile line only crosses 2 driveways. The street is wide enough for two way traffic with cars parked on both sides, and there are sidewalks on both sides. Even better we have no across-the-street-neighbors. There is a sound wall there instead.

I'd like to keep my good spot.
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jstorms wrote:

If I don't keep the neighbors happy then I could have a problem.

And I whole heartily agree...you need to keep the NEIGHBORS happy...is "chatty lady" a TRUE neighbor?

But you also have to see the reality...that you are NOT EVER going to be able to please everyone.

What ever happened to "majority rules". It's time to stop letting the "minority" dictate what we do and don't do in this country (and neighborhoods).

Be proactive and talk to your neighbors...hold a meeting (or go door to door) and let them tell you if they have any concerns and what you can do to minimize those concerns.

I can GUARANTEE you that if you do not have a display equal to or even larger than last year, you will have 10 times more unhappy neighbors than happy ones...

I think you have already answered your own question on what you should do when you said

"That said, I had tons of positive feedback. Heard from parents of special needs children, young military families that drove over an hour, etc.

We do this for those who appreciate our hard work...not for those who have nothing better to do but to extend their miserable existence onto those of us trying to to bring a smile (and some "light") into an otherwise dark world...
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I say put out more lights and a bigger show. Then have a Santa night and advertise it in the HOA newspaper and have the neighborhood get involved. Do a candy cane night several times and keep everyone interested.


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Take it from an old timer, and make an immediate pre-emptive strike -

Get involved in your HOA, and work to get yourself elected to the board, as others here have.

That way you can be sure there will be no rules pushed through by a vocal minority that will impact your ability to have a display!

If you wait until you hear something "officially" it will likely be too late.

The situation has worsened over the past few years as there seem to be more and more inconsiderate drivers out there that only serve to compound the traffic issues, and anger the neighbors.

Get involved and become active now, before it is too late!

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I agree with Greg! I too have to deal with a hoa, mainly because I live in a town house, and I put my display on the "common area". I asked the board members if it was ok, and it was. And to make sure I'm on good terms with them, I asked a few of the members to give me sone of their fav Christmas music so I can sequence their pieces. My only issue is they want me to use extension cords instead of stp wire. Oh and be very good friends with your neighbors, bring them a few cold ones, talk to them.

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If you are taking donations,maybe that would make people less likley to camplain. That would be the ultimate scrooge to what to shut down something making money for a good cause.

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Let us not forget what occurred in Utah to our brother Richard a couple of years ago.

Of course, that was a gated community, but I feel I must always be aware of the power of the few in power to shut something down. Most people understand that we don't really have control over how many people show up or the actions of a few idiots. Still, they see it as "if it wasn't there to begin with, we wouldn't have the problem."

I think it best to stay aware of your immediate (and those most effected) neighbors feelings and thoughts, and do your best to accomodate them while still operating your display. As pointed out, involve them where possible. Most of all, find a way to let THEM know they can come to YOU if there is a problem or concern, rather than bi_ching amongst themselves or to the HOA.

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Guest Don Gillespie

I agree with what everyone is saying some great points to ponder I wouldn't get all hung up about what 1 lady says she is jealous that finally someone has put the spirit back into Christmas, keep your display going and getting involved with HOA isn't a bad idea that way you have first hand knowledge of whats going on or at least make sure you have some really good freinds on the board that love your display that way you will be informed if they are thinking about any changes that could affect your show. keep on with the blinky blinky:D

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I got a kick out of you telling the news "I use about 11.64 amps". As an engineer myself I have a tendency to include decimals with an "about" statement LMAO!

I would suggest talking face to face with the affected neighbors. Kingsville is a lot smaller than Round Rock, but it is still in Texas and our Texas culture is usually to get along. Maybe some small change will make them very happy.

I had a neighbor ask if I would start the show 1/2 hour later, that way he could get home from work and in the house before the traffic started coming. Easy change to keep everyone happy. Of course the fact that I make sure to take everyone some B-B-Q at the start of the season helps also.

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I am not a media fan myself, and if they were to drive over an hour away to get to my house, then they would have wasted an hour worth of time...... (2 hours because they need to drive bad to the city).

Word of mouth has done well for me. I know there are other out there like myself who turn down media coverage.

I prefer all the media to go to the "PaulXmas house" in Edmonton, AB.

However, keep the display going, and avoid/ reject the media this coming December and see if that cuts back on traffic congestion.

You certainly do not want to pay for police to help control traffic like the "Lindsay Christmas Display in Ontario, Canada" had to do for a few years. When they decide to start a display again, they might need police help again.

So my 2 cents says keep the display going but reject media coverage.

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This will be my first year. I wouldn't say that I'm worried about what my neighbors think.
I have given it some thought and have some concerns. But what the heck?

Sure glad I'm not in a HOA anymore. So not much anyone can say about it.

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i agree with whats been said about talking with the HOA. i really hate having one, but havent had any issues. i spoke with direct neighbors before i got into LOR. went from 10-12 static for years to a few less with LOR the first year (dont worry, i now will be nearer to 18-20K). the neighbors have made the first night a huge party (usually on thanksgiving) all by themselves and have already started this year asking if the lights are going to be back up, OF COURSE! then last year i got the bright idea of having a live choir come a sing one night, well that was great, now every one expects that again. but with all that, i have come to know the HOA president well, and he is all in favor of the lights and wishes that my whole neighborhood would decorate! anyway good luck to you, and enjoy.

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