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Looking for a thread!

Donny M. Carter

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I am looking for a thread that shows a ton of controller boxes. I think the mane of the thread is "show us those controllers" or something like that. I have looked and just can not seem to find it. Thanks for the help.

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Thanks Jim. I did do a search for "enclosures". Was looking for one in particular. Thanks for the links, I will keep looking.

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do you have any particulars on the enclosure?

Number of channels?
Metal vs PVC?

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No sir, it was just a cool thread someone started that asked everyone to show there controller boxes/enclosures. Just wanted to go through the pics in that thread again. I thought I had it saved, guess not. Like I said earlier, I think the thread name was something like "ok, lets see those controller boxes". Not sure! Thanks for the help.

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jimswinder wrote:

rstately wrote:

wow..amazing that one never showed up in any of our searches...  :shock:

I cheated, I knew I posted in this thread, so I searched my posts. I guess that wouldn't work as well for you, since you've posted in every thread since inception...
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rstately wrote:

I cheated, I knew I posted in this thread, so I searched my posts. I guess that wouldn't work as well for you, since you've posted in every thread since inception...

lol...come on...only since 2009... :D

and I DID check the threads I posted in!!!
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jimswinder wrote:

rstately wrote:
I cheated, I knew I posted in this thread, so I searched my posts. I guess that wouldn't work as well for you, since you've posted in every thread since inception...

lol...come on...only since 2009...  :D

and I DID check the threads I posted in!!!

I think it's great how you help people find things here. You're like a directory for the forum. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:(
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rstately wrote:

. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:D

I do look damn good in a dress!!!
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rstately wrote

I cheated, I knew I posted in this thread, so I searched my posts. I guess that wouldn't work as well for you, since you've posted in every thread since inception...

What only 2968 soo far
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jimswinder wrote:

rstately wrote:
. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:D

I do look damn good in a dress!!!

Good, bring it to the epic christmas gathering, they need a beer girl!
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jimswinder wrote:

rstately wrote:
. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:)

I do look damn good in a dress!!!

We don't need to know.

And please, DO NOT post any pictures. :shock::shock:
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DonFL wrote:

jimswinder wrote:
rstately wrote:
. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:)

I do look damn good in a dress!!!

We don't need to know.

And please, DO NOT post any pictures. :shock::shock:
pm sent... :)
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Guest Don Gillespie

jimswinder wrote:

DonFL wrote:
jimswinder wrote:
rstately wrote:
. ...Probably more like the forums receptionist...:)

I do look damn good in a dress!!!

We don't need to know.

And please, DO NOT post any pictures. :shock::shock:
pm sent... :)

Jim if your posting pictures of you in a dress don't hold back post it for the rest us LOL :):P:P
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