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Cant Log in to Forum


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Yes I have the same problem, couldn't see any pictures or anything...

So... At first I thought it was because my account got messed up in the transition
to the new forum format, and therefore I made omathys2... my bad.

Anyways, the only time I'm on Mozilla Firefox is to read this forum.

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I have the same problem with Safari. And it showed up after they changed over to the new forum format. I had to download Firefox (what I'm using now) so I could log in.

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Wanted to let everyone know that we've been talking to the developers of the forum software.

To paraphrase, they know about the issue, but have been unable to narrow down exactly where the problem is. Most, if not all, Windows versions of Safari seem to be okay, but it's about 50/50 on the Mac versions working. They think it might be an issue with the javascript settings, but they have no way to test that, since they don't own a Mac.

Obviously they would like to resolve the problem but have been unable to do so. Should they find a solution, we'll get it posted here for you.

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If this helps at all I am using Safari 5.0.5 and running OSX 10.5.8

Sounds like your using an out side vender for the forum, but if you ever have any thing you need me to test on safari for Mac just let me know, I have done quite a bit of web development.

I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I had the old forum set to remember me and was stile logged in there when the forums switched. Maybe it has to do with how the database caches session information.

Humm actually the Safari error console picked up an unclosed tag on the log in page, I wonder if that may be part of the issue. Would you like me to pm to you what it says?

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