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Infrared button/sensor recommendation?


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So I had an idea.
I'm working on a show for a customer that will automatically run at certain times each night. However, I want to give my client the option to start the the show whenever he wants.

Originally I thought about a button but I don't want anybody to be able to start the show manually, just him. So then I thought about connecting an infrared sensor to the inputs of one of my LOR1600W and giving him the remote.

Any ideas of where to buy a unit like this and which you would recommend?

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Why not use a button and run the wires/button into the inside of his house?

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You could use a remote controlled switch, similar to some car keys.

Most hardware stores carry something like that, for turning lights on remotely: device plugs into outlet, the item you want to switch, plugs into device

leave LOR controllers on

have music/sequences on a show time director or mini director

plug power supply for show time director into the AC outlet

once power is applied to show time director will start and music will start.

I used something similar for my show in 2010, worked great

Probably lots of other ideas, and something simpler, but this works

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Very nice TGabriel ;)

I don't want a hard-wired button because I don't want to let just anybody start the show off-schedule. This is going to be a special perk for the client.

The Home Depot item looks great except I need the show to also run at scheduled times and the client could potentially shut off the show on accident :)

I'm using a laptop to run things too.

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