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How do I?

Donny M. Carter

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How do I make a sequence that will turn a light on and keep it on for 10 hours? Thanks for the help.

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Donny M. Carter wrote:

How do I make a sequence that will turn a light on and keep it on for 10 hours? Thanks for the help.

Create a 1 minute sequence.
Create a show using that single, 1 minute sequence.
Schedule show to run for 10 hours.
(Be sure "Turn used lights off at the end of each sequence" is NOT checked.)
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What Don said works fine, but I just want to point out that if you put the sequence in the "Background" section of the show, or in the "Animation" section with "Play Concurrently" set, then you don't need to worry about turning off "Turn used lights of at end of each sequence".

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