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first lor board


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I order two boards on sale from lor last month and just did one board for the first time. It told 6 hrs and I learn alot. Everything seems to be find. All I need is a idea how to test the board Is there a way to test without completeing the controller?

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ya just get it soldered up and get your dongles on and plug in the lights and computer and be amazed. you can use the hard ware utility and have the lights do all kind of things even without a sequence enjoy

and then start looking for a enclosure LOL

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To answer the question, you can test it without the dongles attached if you have everything soldered together and two power cords. I power mine up, attach the cat5, open the hardware utility and test it with my multi meter. I put together three today (you get faster after a while) and tested them all - yes they all worked fine. I'll put them in enclosures and wire them another day.

I should add that testing them this way only shows whther the channels are turning on and off and fading etc. You'll need to test them later with a load on them

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i tested 1 and it work fine. tested #2 and i have problems. look at all connection and found a couple of issue. 3,4 no power 10 to 16 come on at once but still having fun.

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