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Mentioned to my wife that I wanted to get 2 more controllers in the summer sale. She said, "Fine, but I need a new computer". I said "Fine, do you want a laptop or desktop? And my computer is old and I need a new one too." She said "Fine, we'll both get new ones". I think I made out on this deal, but the question is, she does not use the computer that much, except for on line email and shopping, so is a laptop or desktop better, or do I go the extra mile, and get her both??? Was thinking about doing Tiger Direct or Newegg kit for desktop, and getting a laptop at the big box store. That way she gets her laptop right away, and her new desktop in a few days. Any thoughts, other than does she have a sister??

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I met my wife while we were both....get this....in the same "Assembly Language" class. We were also in the same Fortran class. Now she turned out to be a bad programmer and I had to do her code for her and eventually she switched to Statistics, but she has always been a "gadget girl". She prefers smart phones and gadgets and sees no point to jewelry. She even likes Christmas light animation and supports the growing display of OCD.

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I got my wife a laptop. She uses it to facebook, shop, and email. One advantage to me of giving her a laptop is she can use it anywhere in the house. Another is I only need one printer. I know you can set a desktop up wireless, I just don't. I would have to setup the desktop in our "living room/dining room" which is really the computer room/video game room/LOR room, so with a laptop I don't have to share space LOL.

When we travel in the motor home, with her own laptop I don't have to share computer time with her.

She doesn't care what toys I get, in return I try not to make too much fun of how many shoes she buys. Works for us.

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I prefer laptops if you are just cruising around. Desktops are mainly(IMO) for serious computer powering now. If your doing high end cad, big gamer, etc. stick with desktops. Other than than, laptops are the way to go. We have both, I mainly use the laptop.

Another great place to check is here: http://www.lucomputers.com/site/

I use them a lot, seems to have great pricing, and the exchange rate is good. They also have really good service. Bought a high end gaming pc two years ago from them, had an issue with a bad mother board 6 months later, sent me a new one within a few minutes of them checking a few things out via telephone call.

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My wife and i both have lap tops, of course wifi through out the house. she wouldn't be with out it, bought them at sams, i thought were good prices and extra coverage for under 100.00 bucks

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I've used both a laptop and desktop models for sequencing (I even tried on a netbook.) and my issue is how small the actual amount of working space is on the screen of the laptop. (Don't even ask about the netbook - what a joke...) I guess I'm spoiled with a 22" monitor connected to my desktop. Sure, I could use it with the laptop but then I'm pushing one pc out of the way to use another in the same place and it's just easier to use the desktop model.

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For Christmas I bought my wife a laptop with a docking station. That way she can go around the house with the laptop, or hook it up to the docking station with her BIG monitor, regular keyboard. She has a bluetooth mouse so she can use it anywhere. She loves it. Her printer is also accessed wireless, so she can print from anywhere. It's the best of both worlds.

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