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Donation Box Painting


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Architectural Mailboxes is sending me one of their Oasis Jr to use as a donation box. Now I'm kinda stuck on how to paint it(It's coming in white)to get attention. I was thinking of painting to resemble a two story house and attaching a "roof" to it. So I was thinking... How would Santa paint his home? Any thoughts? :P

Attached files 241245=13103-6446.jpg

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testraub wrote:

How would Santa paint his home? Any thoughts? :D

He wouldn't...the elves would... wocka wocka :P

put a Rudolph head over it and when someone makes a donation his nose lights up...
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In the Rakin/Bass production of the TV classic "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" Santa's Castle looked like this... (Before the blizzard hit, of course)

Attached files 241251=13104-Santa

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  • 1 month later...

Well Here it is (thus far if I don't change things) Weights over 100 lbs, the wooden post has a metal rod in the center and there are eye bolts thru the box and in the base.

Without flash...

Attached files 245436=13357-DSC02128.JPG

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jimswinder wrote:
He wouldn't...the elves would...  wocka wocka :D

HA HA HA!!!!!! Too Funny!!!!

How about like this one??? Red and green with snowy roof

Attached files 245451=13359-images.jpg

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testraub wrote:

And with... What do you think?

People who are involved in this hobby are soo creative and super bright people. I have gotten alot of good tips and ideas just looking though different post,good stuff.cool donation box
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