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Light-O-Rama Forums

Making a sequence

Maine Lights

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Is there anyway to slow the song down. Also do you have to start the song from the beginning or can you make it start anywhere you want it to? Thanks!

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Yes and Yes...

Speed control is under "Play/Speed".

Several ways to "start anywhere"...

One is click on the cell where you want to start and hit the space bar...hit it again to stop.

You can "highlight" the section you want to play (again hitting the space bar to start it)

And I think there are one or two more ways...but don't recall them at this time...but someone else will chime in.

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You can also select to play only the portion of song that is visible on your screen. instead of playing the entire song over and over.....

Play/Play range (on toolbar)

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That works better, makes it alittle easier to work on one part. Thanks for your help.

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