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mini trees and arches

james campbell

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Hello all. I am just starting in this great hobby , so far programming comes fairly easy.My 12 year old son also wows me withthe stuff he comes up with. I already have one controller but plan on running two. I will use 2 ,4 channel arches,6 mini trees and a 16 channel mega tree.My question is ,what in the best arhc size? I have sequences where they are side by side and leap chase etc. same with the mini trees side by side. the mega will be about 12 foot,going to use 16 100 count strands in half . Thats abot it for now bot I'm sure I'll have more questions later.

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My 4 arches are between my 5 mini trees.

A lot of people use "tomato cages" turned upside down for the mini trees. Mine are about 4' tall with 100 lights each of red, green, blue, white...so 4 channels per tree.

Arch size will depend on yard size, available channels, number of lights, etc. Mine are on a 12' piece of 3/4" pvc divided into 9 sections of 100 count lights on them...so 9 channels each.

So just those two elements have 56 channels...

I think everyone will tell you, it is all personal preference...please yourself. IF you are happy with it, people who come to watch will be VERY pleased with it!!!

Most important...have FUN!!!!

Welcome to this addiction...

PS: If your son wants some more practice I have a song or two he can sequence!!! :D

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I did 5 arches last year, 3 in the back and to in the front. 7 channels per arch, using the sleeve method, so a total of 14 channels for all 5. My minis trees are 2 cages with 400 lights on each one, so 1 channel per tree. But it is your display, you are the one that has to like it. And like Jim said, people will like thatever you do, unless it sucks real bad!:D

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I'm not sure I understand your question about what size arch. I think you're going to have to experiment to find what looks best. 4 channels is pretty minimal as arches go - I doubt you'll encounter many people with real-world experience to share on those.

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Also with arches, and I think it was George that told me this tip, have an odd amount of segments in your arch...

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Thanks for the info so far.would it be better to do one seven channel arch,that would open another channel for a seventh mini tree

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james campbell wrote:

Thanks for the info so far.would it be better to do one seven channel arch,that would open another channel for a seventh mini tree

Or do 2 or 3 seven channels arches, using the same number of channels.
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shfr26 wrote:

james campbell wrote:
Thanks for the info so far.would it be better to do one seven channel arch,that would open another channel for a seventh mini tree

Or do 2 or 3 seven channels arches, using the same number of channels.

Pete..did you mean have 3 arches (with seven segments) and have them all run by the same 7 channels (as opposed to using 21 channels)?
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I agree with using 3 arches with the channels the same,however I like the ability to move each arch independent.I think what i may do is do two 5 channel arches by taking two from the mega tree leaving it at 14 channels.I don't think I 'll lose too much by doing that.I would love to do more but 32 channels will be my limit for this year.

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jimswinder wrote:

shfr26 wrote:
james campbell wrote:
Thanks for the info so far.would it be better to do one seven channel arch,that would open another channel for a seventh mini tree

Or do 2 or 3 seven channels arches, using the same number of channels.

Pete..did you mean have 3 arches (with seven segments) and have them all run by the same 7 channels (as opposed to using 21 channels)?

Yes I did. That is how a got my 5 arches on 14 channels.
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james campbell wrote:

I agree with using 3 arches with the channels the same,however I like the ability to move each arch independent.I think what i may do is do two 5 channel arches by taking two from the mega tree leaving it at 14 channels.I don't think I 'll lose too much by doing that.I would love to do more but 32 channels will be my limit for this year.

The sale is wednesday night.You could always add more controllers :)Welcome to this crazy addiction.
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jimswinder wrote:

Also with arches, and I think it was George that told me this tip, have an odd amount of segments in your arch...

Yes, unless you are me and use even numbers (8) 7 or 9 channels gives you the option of having the number 4 channel dead top or the number 5 channel dead top of the arch or what ever number ends up there.

I just like everything done by 8, 16 channels......that way I have no channels left on a controller. However those 2 channels can come in handy if you have channel failure.

I have a spare controller card.
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lightzilla wrote:

And just what makes you think those channels are leftover in any of my controllers? ;) Must be Canadien humor... leftover channels...

But seriously, having a single center channel on an arch does indeed have huge benefits from a creative perspective. It simply gives you more choices. I've sequenced arches ranging between 5 to 12 segments for clients (IMO six, ten and five are the absolute worst) and the odd numbers are WAY easier to work with. I'm not saying that you can't have nice-looking arches with even numbers, but to my eyes and senses, everything you can do with an even-numbered arch I can do better with an odd number.
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I agree odd numbers are best for arches. They just look and flow better. The eye doesn't seem to see the transition the same as even numbers for some reason. I chose seven for my arches and they look great IMHO.

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shfr26 wrote:

. And like Jim said, people will like thatever you do, unless it sucks real bad!:P

Well not really! I mixed up my channels and people watching went WOW..

I went uh?!?!? WTF it doesn't look right. I had numbered my plugs wrong!

We are own worst critics! We see things the public will miss.

Have fun making your lights go blinky flashy!
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It is simple enough for me to make two 9 channel arches and two 7 channel (segments) arches .

However I was going to do that for my two 13ft 15 segment arches just to see and use those two channels for another idea. Then keep the 8 channel arches as they are.

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