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sandstorm sequence


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looking for a sandstorm sequence with the media file. does anyone have one to share. at least 64 channels please.

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get my sequences here (see signature below)..

.sorry...I don't give away media files I paid for...

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ItsMeBobO wrote:

Geez - talk about a deal... I was going to suggest he spend 99 cents at Amazon or Napster or something, but your find blew me right out of the water.. Color me educated...
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Been using them for a few years now. No problems except they don't have all the music I search for. They say they will add music not found but I have asked a half dozen times with no response a single time. Forced to pay .99 a few times!

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George Simmons wrote:

ItsMeBobO wrote:

Geez - talk about a deal... I was going to suggest he spend 99 cents at Amazon or Napster or something, but your find blew me right out of the water.. Color me educated...

Did you listen to this version??? Not worth the 9 cents in my opinion...
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Thanks. Have downloaded the media lots of times and played it to many different sequences. Timings usually never line up, lights either go before or after the beats. Have tried to move the patterns but ends up being worse. Still new at this so maybe it will just take time to get it right. Thanks again.

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