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Going off line

Guest Don Gillespie

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Guest Don Gillespie

Well it is official, Iam doing a 17 minute medly, I have finally got my visualizer all drawn out (couldn't wait for the new one to come) so as of today I will be sequencing this medly untill it is complete (sometime in Aug I hope), I will check the forums every once in awhile, but untill this is completed I have decided that sequencing is more important than my friends on the forum or golfing, I am not even joining my golf club this year, I wish everyone great succes in their quest for the perfect sequence this year, I will talk to you in the fall. and yes I know I will hear coments about how come it is going to take you so long to do one sequence, this is only the medly, I have 40 other sequences that I have to revamp as my chanel count will grow dramatically this year.

I will intrust all my fellow forum members will be civil to each other and keep trying to help everyone out when they ask for help, enjoy the football game talk to you later

Don :)

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Don Gillespie wrote:

Well it is official, Iam doing a 17 minute medly, I have finally got my visualizer all drawn out (couldn't wait for the new one to come) so as of today I will be sequencing this medly untill it is complete (sometime in Aug I hope), I will check the forums every once in awhile, but untill this is completed I have decided that sequencing is more important than my friends on the forum or golfing, I am not even joining my golf club this year, I wish everyone great succes in their quest for the perfect sequence this year, I will talk to you in the fall. and yes I know I will hear coments about how come it is going to take you so long to do one sequence, this is only the medly, I have 40 other sequences that I have to revamp as my chanel count will grow dramatically this year.

I will intrust all my fellow forum members will be civil to each other and keep trying to help everyone out when they ask for help, enjoy the football game talk to you later

Don :)


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