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Talking pumpkin

jeff bush

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I am going to make talking pumpkin for halloween with rope lights using 7 to 8 channels for different mouth movement like I have seen on youtube.
I want to use Monster Mash and ghost busters. Do anyone happen to have either of these sequences and the music to do that?


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Richard Courter posted 3 on the LOR sequences page here is the link for the ghostbuster sequence http://lightoramasequences.com/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,42/func,fileinfo/id,569/

search for Richard Courter or TwoBits

Also TJ Hvasta skygodtj posted a few of them (7 channel and 14 channel) here is the link for his ghostbusters 7 channel


here is the link for thriller 14 channel


Thanks to Richard and TJ for sharing there hard work and ideas.

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