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Need some help


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This is our first year putting on a serious light show. We've planned our where we want lights for our 32 channel show. We already have icicle lights, but we need to get everything else. The stores around here understocked significantly on everything except icicle lights, so we are starting from scratch.

I know CDI has a pre sale going on, but I can't find the original post about it via the search function. Can someone give me the link to it?

We are planning on using blue and white lights. Our icicle lights are incandescents and we would like to match the color of those, but we would be fine with using LED's. Is there anyone out there who can point me to a good product for both the blues and whites?

I have measured for how much length of lighting we need (approximately anyway!), but I could really use a recommendation of a specific product for the whites and the blues. Specifically for the whites we want to match incandescent color as closely as possible.

Are rope lights viable in outdoor shows? Where could I get some decent quality, reasonably priced blue rope lights (for the ground lighting)?

I've seen some shows use little ground spotlights integrated into the show. We'd like to use these on two trees and 4 penguins (not in the picture--sorry!). Where might I find some?

I've seen some great recommendations on good LED light companies, but I need help on specific products if anyone could share!


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Here is a link to Paul at CDI's announcement and you can get to the pricing pages by clicking on the green wording that lists the lights etc.


I bought Paul's LED icicles last year in Warm White, Red, and Green. They are C6 size and look great. The warm white is the closest LED to an incandescent color wise. The light strings are roughly 7'2" on average in length from first drop to last.

For your arches depends on size. If you are using 3/4" Grey pvc a 100 count string of incans which average about 22' long will wrap between 19 inches and 22 inches depending on how tight you keep them. Say you wrap them tightly, 19 inches X 8 channels would be 152 inches or 12'8". The loose wrap would give you a couple extra feet and depending on how far from the viewers eye they are it won't make too much difference.


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As someone who did blue/white together, I can tell ya this: Don't mix them on any element together. The colors when both on are to powerful. They wash each other. Blue or white by itself looks great. The magnolia tree below with the star on top of it shows the blue & white both on. This year, we're changing it all to blue/red on the elements. I think that looks a whole lot better. BTW, our lights the majority came from CDI. The mini trees were purchased from another vendor on here. No regrets with either.


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Buy your lights from magicinthesky.com. I am buying all of my lights today fom them + novelty lights.com has white LEDs for $10 each.(I am getting those too)

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Look for the link in the genaral threads with MITS. I think their sale ended yesterday, though with his increase on pricing once he filled up that first container he was a buck or less only under CDI pricing. Not trolling just saying at his point IF he still does have tha sale he isn'tthe 30% or so off that he was earlier. The competition may be good down the road though...


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