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Surface mount xenon strobes

Donny M. Carter

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It might take a while to find someone who has used those, so I'll throw in my inexperienced opinion. Much of what Action sells is targeted at use in amusement park rides and such. As such, I would think it gets more outdoor use than our seasonal display stuff. So I would think should hold up at least as well as the average curtain strobe, and maybe better. Do note that it comes with short bare wires, to be wired into whatever ride it is being attached to. So you will need to attach a cord, or suitable plug to it. The back side also may not be attractive, nor well sealed.

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Wonder why those are listed under "wedding lighting"??

"Add some special twinkle to your special day with beautiful wedding lighting."

That would sure be some intense "twinkle."

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Two years ago I purchased some in red, green, blue and white. I used them sparingly for one year and then took them out of my display. I found two problems: 1) their flash rate is too slow and I didn’t want to pry open the plastic shell to replace some resistors to make them flash faster and 2) the colored lenses really didn’t change the color of the flash very much. From any distance they still looked like a white flashing strobe.

My review is not a critique of Action Lighting as I have purchased many other products from them and I really like their quality and service. And these strobes probably look great on a Ferris Wheel or Marry-Go-Round to attract attention; but they just weren’t right for my Christmas display. I have used them in trees for a wedding reception in our backyard where they looked great. I hope that helps.

- Dave

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