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I have had this plug-in for awhile and have never tried it. I just hooked up a bunch of lights to see how it worked. I wish I would have tried it long before this. This is going to be a great tool for parties. I would like to know if you have used this and how. Are there anythings to be aware of? Do you have any hints or tips on it's use? Thank you fot your input.

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Donny M. Carter wrote:

Nice new avatar Jim!

as is yours Donny...

wish I could sequence that fast!!! :D

Attached files 235870=12868-16625.gif
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NickByrd wrote:

Here is an avatar in honor of Jim and Jeff's epic battle!;)

Battle?? what battle?

IF there WAS a battle...I would be the mouse... :D

Attached files 235874=12869-26474.gif
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