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Need custom mini stings


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I need some mini strings (incandescent) that have bulb spacing of 8-10 feet! I know it is an odd request, but I am trying to create the illusion of small candle/lighter size flames and I need 100-200 of them (so buying those fake candles is out of the question). I think mini's set on shimmer or twinkle @ 20% will look good (especially if LOR updates allow shimmer time adjustments as rumored).

Any ideas on the mini strings?


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8-10 Feet... wowza, most ive personally seen on a string is 3 ft, and that was C9 bulbs.

I have a suggestion that may work, but it would require a bit of work... Find the biggest spaced strings you can, and then...
You could use electrical tape to black out the unused bulbs, or you could remove the unused bulbs and put small resistors in the sockets to take the load and keep the other bulbs from taking on too much load. But if you go with the resistors, you may consider squirting some silicone into those sockets to keep them from filling up with water.

Just a suggestion.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

Lawn Lights are similar to what you are requesting. I would like to tell you about my experience though. When I first heard about them in 2006 I bought 2 sets, and when they came I thought they were garbage. The wire looked weathered as if they'd been outside for a couple seasons. They didn't work and I had to replace 3 sockets to fix them. After a season of failures, I bought a 50ct set of white LEDs and went to work swapping out every socket to fix a set.

But, having said this, I've read that the quality has improved and people are getting a pretty decent product. I'm a "fool me once" kinda guy so I wouldn't buy from them again... But it is what you're looking for (I think)


That is exactly the look that I am going for. Thanks Jeff! This was NOT one of your useless posts.:P

I'll read some posts to see what others say about the LAWN LIGHTS. They are currently out of incandescents anyway and the LED versions are not dimmable.

Any users out there no anything different?
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