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Timing off when playing visible screen


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I haven't found out what I'm doing to make this happen because it doesn't do it on every song. If I play the entire song the music and the visualizer are timed together. But if I play just what the screen is showing the visualizer is about 2-3 seconds ahead of the music.

I've looked for the answer in the forum but I didn't find it. Sorry if I missed it.


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What you're describing is consistent with what happens when variable bit rate MP3s are used. If that's the case you need to use an audio converter, like Audacity for example, to convert your file either to a .wav file or to a constant bit rate MP3.

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  • 7 months later...

George Simmons wrote:

What you're describing is consistent with what happens when variable bit rate MP3s are used. If that's the case you need to use an audio converter, like Audacity for example, to convert your file either to a .wav file or to a constant bit rate MP3.

since I have been following lor this problem seems to be the most recurring,is there any way to not allow varible rate mp3 from being set as a media file. may be a good wish list item
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james campbell wrote:

since I have been following lor this problem seems to be the most recurring,is there any way to not allow varible rate mp3 from being set as a media file. may be a good wish list item

There's no way to exclude them that I'm aware of. Nor are they a problem for everybody. Nor is it a LOR issue - it's an issue with Windows Media Player.

As you observe, it is a frequent question. Which means that anyone who does any amount of searching/scanning should be able to uncover a thread somewhere. Or if a person reads the LOR help/how-to files, they'll see that LOR addresses this very issue as well.
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