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Paul C

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Wish list: To have channels fallow a given frequency range of any music playing from the computer.

Would be nice at parties, to have the lights flash to whatever someone has on the stereo. Just like may Fathers color organ from the early seventy's, they used to sell at Radio Shack.

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Paul C wrote:

Wish list: To have channels fallow a given frequency range of any music playing from the computer.

Would be nice at parties, to have the lights flash to whatever someone has on the stereo. Just like may Fathers color organ from the early seventy's, they used to sell at Radio Shack.

have you tried:
I've not tired it yet, if you do let us know what you find.
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I have tried it works pretty well. Looks pretty cool if you use RGB lights with it. You have to play with the settings by song though to get the best results.

I really wish there was a program like this that gave more control over the lights that would be really cool (min intensity, max intensity, intensity change rate, defined pattens, and so on. Now that would be really cool!).

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Is there an update or expansion to do more than 8 channels. I know I could set my controllers to all be "unit 1" but still only uses half the lights on each...

This is from another post, but check out DMX Control http://www.dmxcontrol.org You would also need a supported dongle https://www.eio.com/p-23209-velleman-vm116-usb-controlled-dmx-interface.aspx

You could also look at Freestyler with the s2l plugin - http://www.freestylersupport.com/wiki/sound_2_light

Although Dan's recient posts seem to indicate some sort of beat detector/ show builder that will get you sequencing based on a given song "quick" I dont think he ever said it would be "live" but it seems like it would map various frequencies in the song to channels.

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That program looks pretty cool. If they get the driver for the DMX USB Pro working I would definitely give it a try. I just cant see spending money on another dmx hub right now when thats supposed to be best one out there.

Tanks for the suggestion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Works real good, even with a 16 pc board. And it lights up all 16 outputs. Just wish you could save your settings. Will work great at partys, and Halloween spooky music works awesome.
Sorry it took so long to get back.

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