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What path to follow?

Donny M. Carter

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I am looking at getting into something different with my career. Since starting with LOR a year ago, I have really wanted to learn more about things like circuit boards, building different types of controllers, and computer controlled things. I have also become interested in how different systems talk to each other. I am looking for some advice where to start. I have spare time to dedicate to this. Please any and all comments are wanted. Thanks guys and gals.

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I'm kinda new here, but based on what I've read so far, DON'T FOLLOW JEFF!

I don't know Jeff and it appears some are intimidated by his vast amount of knowledge and good looks. However, I would lean on the side of caution!

Now I know this doesn't answer you question directly, but after 42 reads and no responses thus far, I felt the need to say something!

If you enjoy working on and building kits, look into becoming a ham radio operator! You can build a radio (elecraft.com) and talk around the world on it! Many doors could be open to you!

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Thanks Jeff for the great link. I am really trying to learn as much as possible. I'm thinking about an Electrical Engineering Degree. Maybe Computer Engineering. I'm not sure how to explainwhat I want to learn.

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Here is my dream job: There is a business(EPIC) near me that is just filthy rich in money. 120 acre campus with several buildings of amazing architecture. They are building a building just for the contractors because they don't want to see all the construction trailers. They send their employees out to art fairs with a $5000 checkbook to buy artwork for the buildings. They have tours come in from everywhere and other major events on campus. I think it would be an ideal situation for a crew of three or more people to do displays of Epic proportions. By the way, the 120 acres is just the first phase! They even have a roughly 30x30' tree house, I haven't seen it yet, I've only been in one of the buildings so far and was blown away by it.

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Donny M. Carter wrote:

I am looking at getting into something different with my career. Since starting with LOR a year ago, I have really wanted to learn more about things like circuit boards, building different types of controllers, and computer controlled things. I have also become interested in how different systems talk to each other. I am looking for some advice where to start. I have spare time to dedicate to this. Please any and all comments are wanted. Thanks guys and gals.

So if you are looking for a career change, and want to get into the electronics/electrical engineering side of things, ultimately, you have to get the training and education. You can learn a lot "tinkering", but it won't easily get your foot in the door for a job in the field.

Do some googling on both on-line/learn at home programs, or, if you have a local community college (or 4 year university) nearby you, see what they have as far as 2 and 4 year, evening or on-line, electronics technology programs.

I'm going out on a limb assuming you want to stay closer to what is more the technologoist/tech side of things, as opposed to going for a more traditional 4 year EE degree.

If I am reading you wrong, and this is purely "I want to learn more, but keep the same day job", then you can easily learn all you want with online and study at home programs, in your leisure time.
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