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Run-time error 48


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My sequence editor stopped working and I get a

Window with a title of “vbaIDTab6” and “ Run-time error ‘48’: Error in loading DLL”

But everything else seems to work fine, I plug in my laptop insert all the cables and power up the controllers I enable the show and everything is happy and away the show goes

Now that the show is over for 2010

I have tried repairing LORII than upgrading to 2.9.? I had trouble downloading it so I used 2.8.12 and still no improvement so I completely un installed and did a new install but still no go

I am sure that I have not installed any software and have disabled my antivirus software and still no go

Any help would be great



Tennant Ck N.T. AUST.

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There should be a file in your computer's system folder (typically c:windowssystem32) called "vbalDTab6.ocx". Is there?

Assuming there is, and assuming you're using a relatively modern operating system (such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7) please:

(1) Close all running programs, especially LOR programs;

(2) Open your computer's Start Menu;

(3) Open its "All Programs" menu;

(4) Open its "Accessories" menu;

(5) Right click on the "Command prompt" icon;

(6) Select "Run as administrator" from the popup menu that will open;

(7) Click "Yes" in the dialog that opens asking you if you want to allow this program to make changes to your computer;

(8) In the command prompt window that opens, type the following two lines:

cd c:windowssystem32

regsvr32 vbalDTab6.ocx

Please note the following things about those two lines:

(A) There is a space on the first line, after "cd";

(:D There is a space on the second line, after "regsvr32";

© There are no other spaces anywhere on either line;

(D) The slashes in the first line are backslashes (""), not forward slashes ("/").

A message should then pop up saying something like "DllRegisterServer in vbalDTab6.ocx succeeded." If it doesn't say that it succeeded, please let me know.

After that (assuming it succeeded), try the Sequence Editor again.

I hope this helps. If it does not, or if you have any questions about it, please let me know.

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I am running XP

I received the message

Title of message “RegSvr 32”

“DLLRegisterServer in vdaIDTab6.ocx failed.

Return code was: 0x80004005”

time differences is the cause of the delay in responding


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0x80004005 is a permissions error.

What version of XP is this, and what service pack are you on? (right click on my computer and go to properties, it will tell you)

Are there multiple users on the computer, if so make sure that the user you are logged in as is an administrator on the computer. This can be determined going to the control panel and clicking on the user applet.

Another thing to try is to disable any antivirus / antispyware software, then try registering it again.

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its xp service pack 3

I am the only user

and log in as admin all the time

I to have just been to MS support page and found the same info

since then I found out that

1 cant save MSOffice application

2 help and support on start menu do not work

3 cant boot from my xp cd disk I get a error and have to reboot

4 support recommendations on MS site fail as well

so I have picked a restore point of the 1st of Dec the last time i used the editor and had to reinstall LORII

now LORII sequence editor works and so dose the help and support on the start menu so I will go from there

Thank for all the help


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Hi Eric, I'm glad you were able to restore it.

I suspect that you have some malware on the computer. If you have not scanned it recently, I recomend installing and running Malwarebytes. If it finds things, then I would follow up with a Vipre rescue scan in safemode. you can download vipre rescue from http://live.sunbeltsoftware.com/ . It is a porgram as well.

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