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Show Repeats same song


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Had major issues tonight. for some reason, lor refused to play my whole show, and only repeated the first song. i set up a whole new show, restarted my computer 3 times, played around, and still did the same thing. I had lines of cars tonight, but they could only listen to the same one song, opposed to my playlist of 12. Does anyone know how to fix this? It's driving me crazy.

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Did the LOR Status window say why it was skipping the song? It will usually say "Starting" and "Ending" the sequences, so you have an idea what's going on.

Does the "Current Activity" match up with the show you think should be running?

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I had the same problem twice this year. I saved the log file in both cases (both attached). It states that the media files were missing, so they couldn't be played. Well...they never went anywhere. Reboot fixed it. Running Win 7 x64 LOR version 2.9.4.

Attached files LORLog.txt

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