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Mr Heat Miser/Mr Snow Miser


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I have been looking everywhere for the songs Mr Heat Miser and Mr Snow Miser, but can't find them. I would like to sequence them for next year. Anyone have them to share? Please send to kzaas@comcast.net if you can.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Scott,

I just did not have time with everything else going on this year. I was going to do a small show just to have some fun, but I can't find my USB485B. Go figure.

I guess I'll have to order a new one when the sale happens. Then I'll find the one and have a spare.

The good news is my garage is almost finished so I'll have a real place to work in 2011 and I plan on building a LOT of items for Christmas. I need eight reindeer and a sleigh on my roof.


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