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TSO wizards of winter

Bernie S.

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i am using the free wizards of winter off here and the timing is just a little bit off between the song and lights can i adjust that easily?

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Go to EDIT > SKEW TRACK and you can move the sequence earlier or later in relation to the music. If your sequence has more than one track you'll have to do it the same amount of time for each track.

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Let us know how it works out for you.

I bought the version from LOR last year and also think it is just a bit off.

Just not brave enough to mess with it. ;)

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vipzach wrote:

Just not brave enough to mess with it.

Lots of people feel their bravery expand knowing they have the undo command to fall back on. You can double your shot of confidence by simply saving what you're working on with a different name and leaving the original as is. As someone who does paid sequencing (and sells sequences starting in '11), I like people who don't want to do it themselves. But there''s also a thrill and degree of satisfaction from seeing your own creation come to light and I urge everyone to give it a try. If it doesn't turn out, well then don't let anyone see it and no one will ever know how incredibly bad you are. ;)
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It works its closer now but i need to be adjusted more. I just used "save as" to create a second copy so if all else fails i can go back to the orig/.

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I have 3 songs I have done, one my father did and one from the light o rama site. I cant agree more i love the ones I have done my self and to see them run for the first time outside is really exciting!

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George Simmons wrote:

vipzach wrote:
Just not brave enough to mess with it.

Lots of people feel their bravery expand knowing they have the undo command to fall back on. You can double your shot of confidence by simply saving what you're working on with a different name and leaving the original as is. As someone who does paid sequencing (and sells sequences starting in '11), I like people who don't want to do it themselves. But there''s also a thrill and degree of satisfaction from seeing your own creation come to light and I urge everyone to give it a try. If it doesn't turn out, well then don't let anyone see it and no one will ever know how incredibly bad you are. ;)

I know I can try to adjust the track, just haven't.

As far as my own sequences, I am terrible! For some reason, I just don't like what I create. I will continue trying though. Hopefully next year I am employed and can add the stuff I wanted this year.

Let me know next year if you really will be doing sequencing for people, I may very well be one of your customers!
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I can let you know that now. Yes I will be doing paid sequencing again. Check in at my website in January for rates. Thanks for the inquiry.

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