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Dio Problem

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Looking for suggestions as to what is happing to my upper channels.

ok,...first here is the set up , I`m using a CYDO 192H DIO card , an old compac 4000 (my compac 5600 did a black sceen of death) I got this older compac from a girl from work ,..was going into the trash so I was able to use it swapped the hard drive and loader everything so I`m up and running.

Last year I ran 128 channels with the compac 5600 now this year I can`t get the attic channels to work ? pic of the boards I`m using





I can get all 128 ch to work but the power is so weak that it will not turn on ch 64 to 128, but the lower ch no problem ?I can turn each ch on by itself and it will light up a strand of light OK. This is what I did to find out I have this problem ,...I was going to hook up my 2nd floor roof lights ,.. I said to myself let me check the outlets and I had all the ch on from 64 to 128 (attic) when I plugged in a stand of lights only 10 to 12 ch light up ? out of 64 ch in the roof.

So I`m looking for idea`s as to what is going on ?


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So when you say "I can get all 128 ch to work but the power is so weak that it will not turn on ch 64 to 128" it does confuse me a bit.

You say each channel will work individually so is it when you try to turn on a bunch of them that you get into this problem of not being able to control the last 64?

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Yes ,...part of the problem,....I can tell that LOR is controlling all the ssr boards I can see the led lights blinking ,..I`m getting the ch to light individually , but when i run one of last years shows I can`t get the attic lights going 64 ch in the attic for the roof. p

Dan would the computer that I`m using be the problem ? The power supply have anything to do with it? This compac 4000 has a max output of 200 w ,.the compac that died I had a 400 w max out put in it.

The DIO signal should be +5v ? Looks like I`m not going to get to the roof snow and ice coming down. Dan if can think of anything let me know.

Thanks ,..Joe4x4
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Ya... My thoughts were allong the same line with the power supply but I don't understand why one particular set of channels would be affected.

Are all the cards together or are the cards that are not working physically further from the PC?

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On my system I use a heavy shielded 50 pin cable / dsub50 connector and use the inner shield as my -5vdc carrier to make sure the full milliamperes are getting to the ssr's.

I took a -5vdc lead from the power supply and grounded it to the case (my dsub connector is connected to the housing) I know this sounds scary but i was assured by an old computer guru that it would work and i have run this way on my system for 3 years without a problem. how he justified it to me was you have 192 channels/leads of +5vdc and only (4) -5vdc leads servicing them..............

a possible voltage drop sounded like good logic to me!!

My 2 cents (it works for me)


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Joe4x4 wrote:

Dan it`s just 1 card .

Sorry Joe I was not clear on my question.

I was wondering if the Triac Cards that you drive with the DO card were located in different locations. For example are the triac cards that do not work well located further from the PC than the triac cards that are working OK.
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