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Outdoor Video Projector Setup?


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I'm attempting a video display for the first time this year and was curious how other people set up their projectors outside, the screen, etc.

I'm building a simple frame and purchased movie screen fabric to cover it. I was going to put it over a window, but realized that the light from the LED's around the window could wash out the video. So I'm going to put it in the yard instead.

I'm wondering what kind of housing everyone uses to protect the projector from the elements, and I assume the computer running the videos/show. I'm not sure I can get a long enough VGA cable to run it from inside the house.

Do you leave it outside 24/7 or bring it in each night?

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I was once considering putting my projector outside, but after doing some research, I found that the bulbs should never be turned on when the bulb is below 40F degrees otherwise the bulb can crack...and they aren't exactly cheap.

The other factor was the dust, dirt, humidity, and building an enclosure to block out all rain/snow. Decided it was too risky for a $800 projector, so I made it so the projector would shine out through a window and onto the rear of the screen material. See details here: www.nevadachristmas.com


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WayneKremer wrote:

I was once considering putting my projector outside, but after doing some research, I found that the bulbs should never be turned on when the bulb is below 40F degrees otherwise the bulb can crack...and they aren't exactly cheap.

The other factor was the dust, dirt, humidity, and building an enclosure to block out all rain/snow. Decided it was too risky for a $800 projector, so I made it so the projector would shine out through a window and onto the rear of the screen material. See details here: http://www.nevadachristmas.com

Well, I'm in L.A., so it's rare that it gets below 40 here. I would think, too, that if you built an enclosure, the temp of the bulb would keep the inside of the enclosure pretty warm. I plan on bringing it in every night so I wouldn't turn it on when it's that cold either. I don't really have a window to project it through that wouldn't block my lights. Also, I bought heavy duty movie screen fabric that is opaque so I can't project from behind.

I was just thinking about getting a rubbermaid tote and setting it and the laptop up inside. I'll cut a hole to project through and put some vent holes so it doesn't get too hot inside.
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Iam in the Netherlands (Europe). I decided to put my projector outside because i can't project through the window. There's an angel to the streetside.

So I put my projector in a barrel against the fenche. The barrel has a hole covert with a piece of clear PVC. You can see the video through a sheet hanging in a circle by springs. This way the wind has no change to rip the screen apart.

I put a relais to the 24V power. When the Power of the controlers will be cut, the switch contact of the relais cuts the clock signal from the projector. and the projector shuts down, in my case after 1 minute. Then the automatic clock will cut the power.

When I start the show half an hour before the controllers will be powered on. then 15 minutes before the show the projector powers on. And then....... Showtime.....

It works great to me.

For some photo's visit my website. see my link below.

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