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Shortcut keys for play and stop?


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Are there shortcut keys for play and stop when using the visible screen play range in the sequence editor? I know the spacebar will stop and start the entire sequence but it continues past the visible screen. The spacebar would work for me if there was even a way to go back to the beginning of the visible screen I am working on without having to drag the mouse back. If I want to start and stop only in the visible screen how can I do it without using the mouse to click the taskbar? I don't quite understand most of the play (from or to) selection as a whole. is there a tutorial somewhere? I refer to the manual but there are lots of things that I cannot pick up from the info described there.

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To make a selection, drag in the yellow time scale bar (see my 3rd post below on selection).

See attached screen shots. You can make a variety of play from/to/selection settings.

Attached files 225421=12460-Playagainbutton.png

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This is the important part.

Now you select the range using the yellow timing scale bar. By making the select and setting the appropriate play option (Selection), the space bar will now start/stop your playing within the selection you made.

To deselect a time range, just click once in the yellow time scale bar.

I'm not certain the other play options are working as intended.

Attached files 225423=12462-RangeSelection.png

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thank you for the info, your descriptions with screenshots are very helpful. I was hoping that there is some type of keystroke shortcut that could make start stop very quick and simple without having to make the extra mouse moves and dragdown clicks.

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With the defaults once you make the selected area active by dragging in the yellow "Time Scale" bar, the space bar works as you want it to.

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The space bar does stop and start it, but you have to at least click on a cell prior to the section that you are working on.

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Dave Batzdorf wrote:

The space bar does stop and start it, but you have to at least click on a cell prior to the section that you are working on.

That's not totally correct. If you have a timing range selected (NOT cell selections) you can use the space bar to start and stop that range witout selecting any particular cell.
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"Alt-P" will get you to the Play menu; each entry on it then has its own hotkey.

For example, "Alt-P" followed by "T" will start the current sequence, and "Alt-P" followed by "S" will stop play.

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Tx to Bobs comments.... : ) life is much easier. One note. Alt-P followed by G will restart the sequence to the selected time point.......

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