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Using other folks sequences

Scott Stegall

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Ihave a single 16 channel controller...its big enough to do what I want. I know if I use other peoples sequences and they are made for larger clusters LOR will just ignore the other channels. Does that mean if I am using a sequence that say...uses channels 40-50 for a long run that there will be no activity on a 16 channel controller for that time period? I hope that makes sense. I am trying to decide between using some shared sequences and just using the LORvis add on for windows media player. As always thanks in advance for the help.

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It depends on what the sequence is programmed to do. Whatever channels that match your channels are set to do that is what you'll see. There's no way to tell without looking at the sequence and running it.

But to answer your question, yes, possbily maybe.

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What I did was take out the parts of their sequence you like and incorporate them into your own. Ive taken sequences with 200+ channels and put into my 48. If you look @ most sequences they are several sections that are all doing the same thing. So Yes, you can take the largest sequence in the world and squeeze it into your own personal touch.

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while you can cut/paste sections.. it's much easier just buying more controllers and not have to edit out the other parts :) LOL!

The others have it right, just copy/paste the sections that have the most activity and use those.. you will have to cut/paste at the very same timing points to keep it all sequenced with the music.. just experiment.. and save your work often, but with different names, that way you wont overwrite the last good thing you did.. something like:

JingleBells4_icicles.. etc

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