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AnyOne Located near me??


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We have up most of our lights, found this site and ordered a 32 LOR starter package. Am I nuts to think while the kids are away for the weekend I can pull out something cool for them? I noticed while reading Cliff is near me from Kingsland GA, anyone else I could possibly call on for advise to get this up and running or am I dreaming this late in the game?

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Partyof9 wrote:

We have up most of our lights, found this site and ordered a 32 LOR starter package. Am I nuts to think while the kids are away for the weekend I can pull out something cool for them? I noticed while reading Cliff is near me from Kingsland GA, anyone else I could possibly call on for advise to get this up and running or am I dreaming this late in the game?

it never hurts to dream....

so dream BIG!!!!!

download the trial software and start sequencing...you can do that without having the hardware yet...
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You could also buy some of the pre-sequenced songs from
loR and set your house up similar to their display.

You will also need a BUNCH of extension cords!

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Thanks so much everyone! I am so excited. VipZach, I already had up my lights when I found this site. What started this search was lowes was sold out of mr chirstmas and i was searching for one. I already have a zillion drop cords and bought 20 more today. I always have an acre or so static display just wanted to make it do more this year. I actually never heard of a mega tree. I always built my 8 foot trees using a 8ft 2x4 and tent stakes and multi colored lights I have three of those up and line my front yard approx 300 ft frontage with candy canes using zip ties to rope clear lights on them and fill the yard with inflatables and light up deer ect.... so is it possible to hook up a 32 channel box to these things I already have UP and download 32 channel seq and actually get something out of it?

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Partyof9 wrote:

Thanks so much everyone! I am so excited. VipZach, I already had up my lights when I found this site. What started this search was lowes was sold out of mr chirstmas and i was searching for one. I already have a zillion drop cords and bought 20 more today. I always have an acre or so static display just wanted to make it do more this year. I actually never heard of a mega tree. I always built my 8 foot trees using a 8ft 2x4 and tent stakes and multi colored lights I have three of those up and line my front yard approx 300 ft frontage with candy canes using zip ties to rope clear lights on them and fill the yard with inflatables and light up deer ect.... so is it possible to hook up a 32 channel box to these things I already have UP and download 32 channel seq and actually get something out of it?

sure can...

sounds like you are well on your way to joining us other addicts... :)
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jimswinder wrote:

rstately wrote:

you can look hear???

trying to sound country, Hollywood? LOL

Now look here, Jim...

I know where you live! don't make me drive up there...
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You all, (that'd be ya'll) are so nice! I was so worried I had shelled out a lot of $$ for nothing this year. I did look over the list and no one nowhere near me. Everyone is in north Georgia. I am only 40 miles to the FL line. So we are extreme south east georgia. I don't know how you linked me to the Georgia folks how can i see FL folks? I so want to surpise my kids all 9 of them them. They really love that I have for 13 years running when over board with the yard. We always get slow traffic I can't imagine what a little motion and music would do.

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Welcome to this crazy addiction.You may want to search these threads and get yourself am fm transmitter so you can transmit your music to their cars.If you need any help learning the software give me a pm and i will gladly help you learn a few things.

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I don't see a button to pm you. I failed to order a transmitter I stopped in Radio Shack early and felt like a compete idot. :shock: They have transmitters like too many I did'nt know what to tell him I needed. Any advise on getting the RIGHT one?

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Partyof9 wrote:

I don't see a button to pm you. I failed to order a transmitter I stopped in Radio Shack early and felt like a compete idot. :shock: They have transmitters like too many I did'nt know what to tell him I needed. Any advise on getting the RIGHT one?

After lots of reading and internal debate I bought a Ramsey FM25B from http://shop.christmasincruces.com/.

Also do a google for LOR sequences. There are lots out there.
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Thank you Karl for the help. Jeff on the EDM transmitter I looked at those but was confused as to which one I needed can you tell me exactly what I should order?

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I'll second the EDM Had mine for several years and love it.

I agree that it is pretty late in the year to be thinking about getting a quality transmitter. If I remember back when I ordered mine, it was in the spring and took 2 - 3 weeks to receive it, that was several years ago

Probably the factory is swamped with orders this time of the year from folks just now trying to jump in on this hobby

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You can do this. I was a newbie last year just like you...no help...no one close by. The documentation for LOR is pretty good and the equipment is really plug and play. I didn't try to do any sequencing last year...no time. I'm only doing one song this year for the same reason..if I get it done.. Just go to lightorama sequences.com and start downloading. It's all free. You'll need to download the music or buy the CD's for the songs and rip them but that's easy. Save the sequences in my documentslightoramasequences. That's where the software will look for them. Save the songs in my documents/lightorama/audio. To create the animated song, open the sequence in the sequence editor, go to edit, and click on MEDIA FILE. (No body will tell you that) This will take you through the process of putting the music into the sequence. Save the file with a name you recognize in the sequences folder and you're ready to fly. Then create your show in show editor. I'm in my second year and still doing that. This year I've produced a 40 minute show off of stuff created by other people and all it cost me was the price of the CD's which I enjoy in my car anyway. I guess it's the lazy man's way to do it but it works for me. I was able to download 8 sequences and their songs and install them in a day. You can do it if I can.

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Is it really that simple? I have only gotten three or four seq downloaded all with music. But they are other folks work. Are'nt you suppose to change stuff to match your channel settings and things like that? I don't know where to copy and paste. I can watch the seq and it has music behind it so is that all i do is download a bunch and then move them to the show portion? I have'nt even looked in there yet. LOL

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