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audio problems


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:(I am having some trouble downloading songs from the internet and getting them to my audio file under lightorama. They apparently go there but when I open the file they are not there. When i try to download them again it asks me if i want to replace the file that is alreay there. Also can i use audio files from Itunes. I purchased 3 ready made songs for this year since this is my first year but I want to mess with difrent songs that i like and try them as well

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FredJFerg wrote:

:(I am having some trouble downloading songs from the internet and getting them to my audio file under lightorama. They apparently go there but when I open the file they are not there. When i try to download them again it asks me if i want to replace the file that is alreay there. Also can i use audio files from Itunes. I purchased 3 ready made songs for this year since this is my first year but I want to mess with difrent songs that i like and try them as well

Songs purchased from iTunes are in a MP4 format...you need to covert them to either MP3 or WAV files as LOR cannot recognize MP4 files.

Within iTunes, you can covert them to MP3's...or you can use some free software call Audacity to convert them. If you use iTunes to convert them, iTunes will place the MP3 file into the same folder as the original song.

Check out this post:

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When you say open them, are you referring to opening via media on LOR or explorer under windows? You should be able to find these songs via explorer.

LOR cannot play protected files, most notably DRM. DRM is used by both Apple and other suppliers of online music. You can strip the drm protection using third party software.

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Thankyou for the info. I changed it to MP3 and was able to load it into the LOR software. I powered up this weekend and after a little work on the program I got everything to work. Looks great and started to write the sequences for the songs I:) like, thanks for your advice

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