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Ojk I though I would buy the music from itunes. But the files are "MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a)". Is there a way to change this to MP3 files?

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Guest Don Gillespie

papap wrote:

Ojk I though I would buy the music from itunes. But the files are "MPEG-4 Audio File (.m4a)". Is there a way to change this to MP3 files?

After the song has been downloaded onto your computer in your I-Tunes library click on the song once then scroll up to the top of the screen where it says advanced click on that a dropdown box will appear and in that box you will see a selection that says convert to MPEG 3 click on that and your job is completed what I do after the song has been converted is I delete the song that first downlaoded so I don't make any mistakes when I move the song to my LOR audio file hope this helps:)
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Don Gillespie wrote:

After the song has been downloaded onto your computer in your I-Tunes library click on the song once then scroll up to the top of the screen where it says advanced click on that a dropdown box will appear and in that box you will see a selection that says convert to MPEG 3 click on that and your job is completed what I do after the song has been converted is I delete the song that first downlaoded so I don't make any mistakes when I move the song to my LOR audio file hope this helps:)

Don, What version of iTunes are you running? the latest version,10.1, only offers a convert to AAC file, not an Mp3 format in that Advanced dropdown menu.

I have seen the Mp3 option when youre burning a CD from an iTunes playlist but its not clear at what bit rate the Mp3 is being ripped.

I just make a playlist of the songs i want in iTunes, slect the PL then burn it to a cd in analog format, then rip the songs on the CD to 128bps MP3 with Media player at. Works great, but it would be nice to find a direct rip from iTunes.
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Guest Don Gillespie

Ti03 wrote:

Don Gillespie wrote:
After the song has been downloaded onto your computer in your I-Tunes library click on the song once then scroll up to the top of the screen where it says advanced click on that a dropdown box will appear and in that box you will see a selection that says convert to MPEG 3 click on that and your job is completed what I do after the song has been converted is I delete the song that first downlaoded so I don't make any mistakes when I move the song to my LOR audio file hope this helps:)

Don, What version of iTunes are you running? the latest version,10.1, only offers a convert to AAC file, not an Mp3 format in that Advanced dropdown menu.

I have seen the Mp3 option when youre burning a CD from an iTunes playlist but its not clear at what bit rate the Mp3 is being ripped.

I just make a playlist of the songs i want in iTunes, slect the PL then burn it to a cd in analog format, then rip the songs on the CD to 128bps MP3 with Media player at. Works great, but it would be nice to find a direct rip from iTunes.
I am running the most updated version of I-tunes 10.1.54 just updated 20min ago still shows create MP3 when I open the advanced settings
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Man I must be blind,

Just to be sure, select/highlight a tune from your library, then go up to the advanced tab on the menu bar and it should be in the Advance drop down menu right in front of my face?

Is the song name you're selecting in a playlist you created or the main music library?

Hmmmm, Itunes help says you can't convert songs dld'd from iTunes to another format unless they are an iTunes Plus file. Maybe the songs I'm picking arent iTunes Plus...

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Guest Don Gillespie

Ti03 wrote:

Man I must be blind,

Just to be sure, select/highlight a tune from your library, then go up to the advanced tab on the menu bar and it should be in the Advance drop down menu right in front of my face?

Is the song name you're selecting in a playlist you created or the main music library?

Hmmmm, Itunes help says you can't convert songs dld'd from iTunes to another format unless they are an iTunes Plus file. Maybe the songs I'm picking arent iTunes Plus...

If these are songs that you have had in your library for a while it may not let you convert them what I did is repurchase the song and then I can convert it to an MPG3 file what I would do to make sure it can be done with the I-Tunes you have is purchase a song for 99 cents and then see if it will let you convert it
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Don, I have the option of upgrading many of the tunes in my library to the iPLUS format. I'll just take a look at tmy seasonal songs and see how many of them are already iTunes Plus. I'll bet this is the issue, I'll post my findings.

I hope you didnt actually repurchase the songs for full price...for 30 cents each iTunes will do an upgrade and let you either keep the old song or the trash it. Come to think of it you mentioned discarding the old tune to avoid confusion. I wonder we're talking about the same thing here.

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There is a globe setting in itunes for importing MP3 or AAC. Once you change from AAC to mp3, then your right click offer "convert to MP3".

Take a look at this:


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Guest Don Gillespie

Ti03 wrote:

Don, I have the option of upgrading many of the tunes in my library to the iPLUS format. I'll just take a look at tmy seasonal songs and see how many of them are already iTunes Plus. I'll bet this is the issue, I'll post my findings.

I hope you didnt actually repurchase the songs for full price...for 30 cents each iTunes will do an upgrade and let you either keep the old song or the trash it. Come to think of it you mentioned discarding the old tune to avoid confusion. I wonder we're talking about the same thing here.

I have never had a problem converting any of my songs to MPEG3 my daughter is a wiz with this stuff I on the other hand am not so great she showed me how to convert my songs I have not bought any old songs it is only the newer songs that I do not have that i would have to purchase anyways but thanks for the tip I am sure many other people will benifit from this
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Okay Don I got it finally

Heres the deal, You have to adjust your import settings:

Edit ---> Preferences--> General Tab, under the "When you insert a CD" --> punch the "Import Settings" button. "Import Using" has a drop down menu from which you select MP3 Encoder. You chose the Mp3 Encoder and under the "Setting" drop down menu select "Good Quality128 bps. Hit the okay button to save the settings, and then Ok again to close the Preferences dialog box and your done. Now when you select the song from your library and go to the Advanced Menu Convert to MP3 is available...

So Don your daughter obviously had it wired, good for her!

and of course Scott has a link to a .pdf doc with screen shots for this expalantion Thank you Scott! Wish I had seen it before I spent an hour rooting around the iTunes help section lol!

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Guest Don Gillespie

Ti03 wrote:

Okay Don I got it finally

Heres the deal, You have to adjust your import settings:

Edit ---> Preferences--> General Tab, under the "When you insert a CD" --> punch the "Import Settings" button. "Import Using" has a drop down menu from which you select MP3 Encoder. You chose the Mp3 Encoder and under the "Setting" drop down menu select "Good Quality128 bps. Hit the okay button to save the settings, and then Ok again to close the Preferences dialog box and your done. Now when you select the song from your library and go to the Advanced Menu Convert to MP3 is available...

So Don your daughter obviously had it wired, good for her!

and of course Scott has a link to a .pdf doc with screen shots for this expalantion Thank you Scott! Wish I had seen it before I spent an hour rooting around the iTunes help section lol!

I am glad you have it figured out I on the other hand am not smart enough with computers to know all of that this is where my daughter and grand daughter come into play they are pretty smart with this technology stuff
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Ha! I dont buy it Don, I'm looking at the thumbnail of your display in your profile, ( Nice!!!) and I just dont buy it! Hahahaha ;) ...now you tell me your daughter and granddaughter figured out the display and I surrender...

Me? I'm struggling to get wrap my head around the organization of a display. Its one thing to understand the nuts and bolts of the technology (I deal with a lot of instrumentation at work) its another thing entirely to get the other side of my brain working in patterns and timings.

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