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What kind of lights?


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I plan to create a christmas light show in Germany.
But there are some questions...
What kind of lights do I have to use for the showtime products? To save costs for energy I prefer LED lights. For example strings of LED with 100-200 LEDs on it.
Or is it a problem to use them with the showtime products?

The the cosmic color ribbons are very nice and I plan die use some of them.
How long are they? 5 meters?
Are the plugged on one channel of the Showtime controller? Or are they connected on an other way? How many of the cosmic color ribbons can I use with the 64 channel showtime product?

It would be very nice if someone could answer my questions.

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baxxter333 wrote:

I plan to create a christmas light show in Germany.
But there are some questions...
What kind of lights do I have to use for the showtime products? To save costs for energy I prefer LED lights. For example strings of LED with 100-200 LEDs on it.
Or is it a problem to use them with the showtime products?

The the cosmic color ribbons are very nice and I plan die use some of them.
How long are they? 5 meters?
Are the plugged on one channel of the Showtime controller? Or are they connected on an other way? How many of the cosmic color ribbons can I use with the 64 channel showtime product?

It would be very nice if someone could answer my questions.

LED lights work very well with the Showtime products, as long as they are just a simple string without their own attached controller. I'm not sure what kind of LEDs are available in Germany

The Cosmic Color Ribbons come with their own controller, and just attach to a Showtime network with a Cat5 cable. They do not use any of your 64 Showtime channels. Therefore you can have all the Cosmic Color Ribbons you want and still have full use of all of your Showtime channels
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Hello, and many thanks für your reply.

Is it possible to put more than one LED string onto one channel?
So that for example channel one is activated by the controller box and two led strings are shining?
And is it possible to dim a normal LED string by the controller box? Or can I only switch it on and off?

It would be very great if you could answer my questions again.

Kind regards!!

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baxxter333 wrote:

Is it possible to put more than one LED string onto one channel?
So that for example channel one is activated by the controller box and two led strings are shining? YES

And is it possible to dim a normal LED string by the controller box? Or can I only switch it on and off? Normal LED strings dim very well

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