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show not working when I add a schedule it doesn't work

Chris W

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I have a show set up with 11 musical sequences and then the sample chase sequence so 12 in total. But then when I try to set it to a schedule all hell breaks loose and i can't find the problem. I am wanting to run 3 times a day (7 - 7:45 AM Noon to 1 and 4:45 to 10 Sun thru Thur and 4:45 - 11 PM FRI and SAT)

I add all the tracks to the list in the hardware section (using basic software)

If i tell it to run continuously it does fine but if i constrict it to a time, it doesn't work.

I add a time file to the SD card ( i run a lor with Mp3 showtime director)

What am i doing wrong??

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There are quite a few settings which you'd need to make sure are correct.

The most important of which would be the single dial on the MP3 player. It should be set to "A" (though putting it on "0" does the same thing.) This makes sure the MP3/Director runs the shows based on the time schedule.

Second would be to make sure that you are writing these out to different shows. If you always write to "Show1" then you are undoing your past work.

You'll need X shows.

1) Daily - 7 to 7:45 AM
2) Daily - Noon to 1pm
3) Sun - Thurs - 4:45 to 10pm
4) Fri - Sat - 4:45 to 11 PM

Note that you could also do:
3) Daily - 4:45 to 10pm
4) Fri-Sat 10:00pm - 11:00pm

That second option would make it easier to add/remove days/times from the extended schedule.

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