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timers on controllers


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Should all the controllers (LOR1602W & CCR) run 24/7 or should they be plugged into a timer to go on an hour or two before the show time? I am using a PC to run my show and my PC will run 24/7.

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6 of one, half dozen the other.

No harm in leaving them on 24/7. Many of us do.

Though, if you wished to do so, you could turn them off every night.

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The only issue I have with using a timer is potential power outages - the PC can reset automatically but timers can't. We seem to have more than our fair share of power outages here - hopefully that isn't an issue where you live.

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I leave my controllers powered 24/7 once they are placed in the display. I see it as one less thing that changes state is one less thing to go wrong.

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My controllers are powered on the whole time and my show is controlled by the Showtime MP3 Director. Hands free for me! If for some reason I don't want it to run, say while I'm out of town, I will turn the controllers off.

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Not to hijack the thread, but I've used one of these for a couple remote (web) control projects. Thinking of adding it to my power distribution system in case I'm out of town in december, which is likely, and my wife indicates something is amiss.


On topic, I plan to leave my powered up for the duration.

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Coming from the I.T. side - I always like a way to hard reset the power to a device. I am frequently on the road, and this combined with CCTV cameras gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that my controllers are ok, and can be reset or cut off if needed.

I can also use this to reboot my show-pc incase it locked up.

The deivces I listed are quite similar to Don's - but dons appear to be more customizable (but also not quite as "polished" for someone that wants a turnkey solution.

Tempature monitoring is a neat add on to many of these units, and it gives you an idea if something may be overheating. Some of the devices allow scheduled on/off/reset times, and they all have web interfaces. I think one of the APC units has a amp-meter built in - so you can see via the web how much power your consuming at any point in time.

http://www.controlbyweb.com/webswitch/ - Is one of my favorite.

http://www.provantage.com/apc-ap9510520~7AMPS008.htm - the APC Master Swtich is another good one (you can usually find these CHEAP on e-bay. about 60 bucks


Just remember if your controllers NEED seperate power feeds, you would need seperate "rebooter" type devices. If you have 3 controllers, and your only pulling 10 amps TOTAL, you could connect all the controllers to 1 of these devices.

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I think that aside from power outages, a few GFCI trips, and borrowing extension cords, most of my personal controllers have been powered up for two straight years, through 3 seasons... No issues that I have identified so far. No times where power cycling seemed to be necessary. The ones for the city show are powered up from the time both they and the power panels are installed, until they or the power panels are uninstalled. Also no issues, or need to power cycle.

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