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Show from a distance?


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Hello all! This is my first year with LOR or any kind of decoration for that matter.

I have a unique situation in that my house is on a fairly busy highway (45mph limit) and there is nowhere for cars to pull off to watch due to guardrails. I still have everything setup on the front of the house with music and lights because my family really loves the idea.

Now to the question. My house is on top of a hill that can be seen from almost a mile heading down the road. I realize most sequences make little sense without music. What would be some good sequences to run on the house for those traveling down the road to enjoy? A different side of the house is visible from down the road than in front of the house so I can have two different displays if I really wanted.

I don't think an FM transmitter would work for two reasons. One being the distance and two there really is no way for me to notify people ahead of time what channel to listen to.

Thanks for any ideas!

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I think it's more of a style of sequencing than a particular type of song that can be appreciated without music. A bunch of blinky flashy without the music to go along with it probably looks strange. But if you use slower color fades they would look great even without the music.

Some will tell you that FM transmitters will reach that distance. If they can, they are operating illegally. You can do you own risk assessment on doing that.

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You have a similar issue to what I have, and it's been an ongoing challenge to decide what to do. In my case, 2 lane road, with curves, 50 mph. And essentially, no shoulders. While some would say "why do a light display without music?" the other point to consider is "if no one can stop to hear the music for a length of time, what good is it?.." There are a few of us, definite minority, who are "music-less" for whatever reason...you solution, though, is one great way to resolve that.

So for this year, I am one of the minority that goes with no music, and just does a little animation and lighting with LOR, and takes the early part of next year to determine how to work music in (safely..) and make it a true LOR display. It's allowing me to get very familiar with LOR, work on some of the design/install details, and then grow it for next year. I have a huge area between my driveway and the road in front of my house that is begging for arches and maybe something along the lines of a mega tree..but still then, the music dilemma remains. I stopped one step short of what you are doing, which is to make it more of a personal display, but that might be the next step next year.

I agree with rwertz re the type of "drive by" animation...looking at using rainbow floods for slow color changes, some landscape LED spots doing the same thing, mini trees, and then some static lighting from past displays. As I see it..fast cheesy blinky blinky like you would get on a 9.99 light string is not going to be very appealing, unless there is music to go with it..

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Mega tree spins and color changes, mini tree chases/color fades, arches, maybe a snowball fight? Just think of it as a juiced up static display. And think of the many hours of programming you don't have to do.

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DonFL wrote:

and make it a true LOR display.

Mbettez wrote:

"I realize most sequences make little sense without music. "

Don and mbettez:

I don't think that music makes a "true" LOR display, and music is certainly not required to make a GREAT sequence. The fact that you have the controller, create or use sequences, and dedicate the time to decorating and the Christmas Season, is what makes a true LOR display. As you mentioned, some members have homes that are not situated in such a fashion as to make music a part of the display.

So display proudly, Don and mbettez!!! Like you, many of us are "first-timers", and I'm sure every one of us will discover ways in which to make our displays better over the coming years, regardless of how our homes look this year.

As for FM transmitting, I think you would be surprised at how word-of-mouth advertising will draw spectators. For example, as you and I have mentioned to each other via PM, Don, I plan to visit your display this season. When you add the FM transmitter, I will know ahead of time to which channel I should be tuned prior to my arrival.

A website is also a great tool. Buy a .info website from GoDaddy for 99 cents and create a website for free like I did at www.yola.com. You can advertise your FM transmission on the website as well. If you go to my site http://www.lyonslights.info, you will see how simple this process is.

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iresq wrote:

Mega tree spins and color changes, mini tree chases/color fades, arches, maybe a snowball fight? Just think of it as a juiced up static display. And think of the many hours of programming you don't have to do.

Yup..definitely a different mindset.

The downside, from what I can see is, you can find musical sequences all day long. For pure animation sequences, hardly see anything. Seems like, my opinion only, not real "translateable" from one to another.

Maybe the minority of "animation only" LOR users needs to set something up to share theirs...(no, not volunteering, at least for now..:?).
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Thanks for the ideas guys. I got my controller today and hooked it up. Unfortunately my spool of spt will not be here till wednesday of next week so all the lights are up and ready to go but none of them are wired to the controller yet. :X

The best part of all of this is once everything is up and wired I can change things however I want from the comfort of my recliner. I'm going to get the lights wired and the front musical show how I want while keeping the side lights static. Once the front is done I'll work on some animation for the side.

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