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Conical Mega Tree Visualization


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I had seen 1 great example of a conical Mega Tree in the animation screen for a sequence & thought I'd share how I drew mine.

This being my 1st year with LOR, I created a 16 channel mega tree. The front center channel is 1 going clockwise to 16.

I drew the tree in both blue & red ink to distinguish the channels for you.

Ch 5 (blue) is the left most string, Ch 13 (blue) is the right most string
Ch 1 (blue) is center. Matching Ch 9 (red) to Ch 1 up a little bit will help give the illusion of a cone.

Here's a video showing a sequence with the tree I did.
(It's a crude rendition, but you will get the idea).

Attached files 220511=12225-mega_tree_layout.jpg
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Pretty good for a noob:D. I myself am just going to wait and see what the new visualizer is going to be like, but good job. I have always just done an overhead view on my megatree.

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