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LOR software glitch?

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Has anyone out there noticed that while programming a sequence, sometimes some colors appear in the blocks, even though that channel is programmed to be off at that particular time? I have had this happen a couple of times in different sequences while programming and it can be a bit of a pain when you are trying to put things together. It only shows up on the layout screen, and the lights are not comming on at that point. I just wonder if I am the only one with this issue, maybe it's a bad install on my system?? Or maybe there is a little glitch?


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Yes, I have seen this, particulary when doing fade ins and fade outs. I use the color gradiant view instead of the ramp view for fade outs.

Sometimes I will ramp down the brightness on a channel to 0.

Then I look over to the right into uncharted time and see several seconds of a few channels very lightly shaded in, where I have not even gotten to, I have not even touched that part of the song yet.

Sometimes just sliding the whole screen view a second or 2 to the left or right fixes this.

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I don't think it's your system, as I have also observed the problem. It just does not do anything, you can't program an "OFF" and make it go away. But it also does not do anything in the sequence.


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Well, Dan-O-Rama stated in that thread in April that it was fixed in the "next release".

So I don't know if he means in the upcoming late 2006 release, or not. I bought my system on 9/1, and it exhibits the problem.

But again, it in now way will affect your sequence, it just looks like a screen drawing issue.

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