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LOR sequences

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I finally placed an order for 40 channels of LOR after debating with my wife for a solid year. Very excited about the system but very nervous that I won't be done by showtime. This year we really just wanted to start with animating our house trim ~8-12 channels and then adding a three colored semi circle tree figure ~20 channels and then maybe see what I can do with remaining channels in the rest of the time between now and showtime. My question is, We are wanting to do basically 2-3 songs main song being Carol of the Bells. I have ordered an FM transmitter but I have the luxury of a guitar amp collection for live sound. I am wondering will the sequences LOR will be selling soon will I be able to modify those in time for my display? And will the mp3 file come with the sequence? I plan to get deeper into programming and setup over the next year but I really want to have something for this year (gotta be the first in syndrome). Anyone know of a sequence that can be purchased with the music for a three color tree set to Carol of the Bells, Linus and LUcy, and Rocking around the Christmas Tree. Thanks and just reading here this is a great site and I have an appreciation for Dan's response to other folks posting on this site, speaks alot for how he conducts his business. I did notice on LORWiki.com that a basic 16 channel Mega tree was posted and that is cool, I guess I don't understand how the channels are layed out as far as are they all on the tree or are some of them other items around the tree? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated....

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Either way, you will have to spend time changing whomevers sequence to fit your needs. I would suggest buying the CDs of the music you want "right now" (do not rely on free-bees) and start playing around with the demo version until you get controllers. If you buy the pre-made sequences from LOR, chances are you'll be spending time adapting them to your channel config although you won't have to spend the time figuring out the timing.

You still have time to get a show together. If you focus on only one song and make it work for your setup, that will be a show you can be proud of. Get everything you need either on order or gathered up and start sequencing.

There are several sights with sequences already built that are up for sharing. All you have to do is download them and apply them to your config.

One more thing, you must have fun doing it :].

Hang in there, you still have time to play :]. Don't worry, it will come to you.


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The LOR wiki and http://lorsequences.com are a good place to look for free sequences.

To answer your question, yes you will be able to modify LOR's sequences for your display. The music also comes with LOR's sequences.

Why not create the sequence you need for the 3 color tree? You can easily convert a sequence from the wiki, lorsequences.com, or light-o-rama. It will just take a little time.

Santa's Helper gives great advice: You will have to edit the sequence file no matter where you get it from, and it will help you get started now with some music you own.

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Furthermore, I think that the LORWiki and LORSequences.com are a great way to see 'how' things are programed. I said it at the TexasChristmasLights Work Shop; it's hard in the beginning to see it in your mind, and convert that to cells on the screen.

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Don wrote:

I said it at the TexasChristmasLights Work Shop; it's hard in the beginning to see it in your mind, and convert that to cells on the screen.

No kidding. You can't be picky! It will just make you pull your hair out trying to get it exact!
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I have begun to sequence one to a rudolph midi on the demo program, I hope that it gets easier to do once I am able to do an animation of my display. I hope to be able to do a mega tree with as many channels as I have to.

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