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Time Scale


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I have 2 songs that I have did my self for are show this year.

And I have some that I got form user on this form,
and am wondering does it matter if the Time Scale is not in order like unit 01-01,01-02 and so on.
Or is it okay to not go in order?

Some of the Sequences I downloaded I need to change the Time Scale channels to make it look good with my lights so doing this makes the time scale channels go all over the place.


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The "Time Scale" text that you see actually goes out to the right of there, and shows you where in the song you are.

You are referring to the actual channels, which can be in any order.

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Yes sorry meant the channel list.
So not going in order is fine?

My Sequences i did are all in order like 01-01, 01-02, 01-03

But the Sequences I down loaded the channels are all over the place to make it work with my light set-up. and doing this is making the channel list go not in order like 01-01. 01-08, 01-12. and is this okay?


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Yes. Just fine.

When the software controls the lights, it doesn't look at the order on the screen, it looks at what channels are assigned to what controller/channel.

So, even if you have them in the most random of random orders on the screen, the software won't care when it goes to play it.

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