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Richard R

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Hello Richard,

First, welcome to the greatest group of just-not-right-people on the planet :)

Visualizer is a part of the Sequencer that lets you see what the sequence looks like with a rough outline or picture of your house/yard..

...on the Menu bar, click View, then Animation.

You select it by opening or having a sequence loaded then:

Click View, Animation, then.. if you have a plain photo of your house, you can load it using the Background Image button. insert your house pix, then..

click Draw, you'll get a grid overlaid the house..

Select the channel you want to define, (say Ch 1), then draw (drag the mouse) over.. say.. the left eave of the house.. if you goof on the line, right-click on the block erases it..

Select Ch 2, then do the same for the right eave.. etcetera, etcetera and of course... etcetera..

Do that for all the channels you want (or have), then click View. The grid goes away and you'll be ready to have the sequence light as it plays.

You can also, skip the background picture way and just free-hand drag/draw lines repesenting the house or yard.. Works well, gives you a good idea if the area you want lit up.. lights up..

You will also see, if using shared/free sequences that have Animation embedded, what the author intended to light up..

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

First, welcome to the greatest group of just-not-right-people on the planet :)

Be nice, were just a little bit off our rocker:shock::shock::shock::)
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