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Strange timing changes


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I just recently installed the latest version of the LOR S2 2.8.12 after re imaging the hard drive. I did not upgrade. When I look at the channels and the timing, I see that its fine on the left side of the screen and then half way across the vertical timing lines start to fluctuate. I can move along to the right and what was messed up on the right fixes itself as it moves to the left side of the screen.

Here is a screen shot. Any Ideas?

Windows 7 64 bit
running ati crossfire

Attached files 216811=12083-strange timings.jpg

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One other thing is that I created the show on an earlier version of the software and then imported after installing the new version of the software. When I say upgrade, I meant that I did not install any earlier version of the software before installing the latest version after re imageing the drive. Hopefully that makes sense : ) I am using a 23 inch monitor. I tried moving the window to just have the screen but that did not change anything.

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I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

What do you mean by "the vertical timing lines start to fluctuate"? As you're just sitting there looking at the sequence, without doing anything, they move around by themselves?

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Hey Bob,

They don't change if you are stopped and filling in the squares telling it when to turn on the lights but its hard to work on the right side. You have to move the curser to the right until the section you want to work on is on the left side.
Thanks for responding. Here is another picture .. I zoomed in on the one that I sent.


Attached files 217156=12088-Timings.jpg

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I'm still not sure that I understand. Is the problem that, in that zoomed in shot, all of the timings are supposed to be equally far from each other?

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Yes, they are all supposed to be equally apart. If I go to any part of the time line it will always be split right down the middle with the left side being equally apart and the right side being random. As I move to the right, the timings on the right will move over to the left side and become equally apart. All the new timings coming in on the right side will be random until they pass over the center and become even. i have a 23 inch monitor running at 1900 resolution so I wonder if thats causing a problem. I tried just moving the window to just half the screen but it was still split down the middle with just a smaller window.

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What do you mean by "go to any part of the time line"? Do you mean, for example, if you scroll left or right? Or perhaps do you mean if you move your mouse over the timescale display?

Have you ever used any 2.8 version before this, without having this problem? Or is this the first time you've used some 2.8?

What kind of graphics card do you have?

The status bar at the bottom of the Sequence Editor should show information about the selection, including the duration of selected cells. If you select a single cell, does that information display the correct duration, regardless of whether the cell looks normal, stretched, or compressed? Or does it show a different duration depending upon how the cell looks?

If you do a fade up that crosses a compressed cell and a stretched cell, and "Display Fades as Ramps", does the slope of the fade look constant, or does it vary between the two cells?

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The problem occurs over any part of the timeline going to the left or right and it moves along as I am going in either direction. Moving the mouse around does not change any timings. I have installed earlier revisions including the 2.8 (I installed it ealier this year) and never had this problem before. One major change is that I am running crossfire. I will try turning that off.

I am running 2 x 5770 His cards in a crossfire configuration.

I will post the other answers to the questions when I am at the computer. Good questions, never thought of checking it.

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