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Sequence Reversal - From Show BACK to Sequence? (POSSIBLE?)


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Is it possible to reverse-flow from a series of show files BACK into the original sequence .las files? Yes, back-up lost and total HDD crash. FORTUNATELY I have last year's show on SD card so worst case, I can run the same show over... just thinking if there was a way to "pull" the data back into S2 from the show files, that would be loverly (lol).s

Anyone done this before or is it even worth thinking about?

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As I understand it, a bunch of information is missing, and it is all in the wrong format. I know this has been asked before, and I do not believe Dan or Bob have ever publicly mentioned that it was possible to convert it back into a sequence file. I do believe one or both of them did mention the limitations on missing information, and wrong formatting, and that it was unlikely to be a productive effort to work that backwards.

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