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Channel Property Grid - How can I sort it


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In older versions of LOR, someone had written a handy utility to examine your channels and print them in Controller/Channel order. It does not function with the new versions of the software, and I can't figure out how to sort the grid by controller and channel or export the grid so I can manipulate it with Excel.

Any thoughts?



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Sorry, the Channel Property Grid just lists channels in the order they exist in the track, and isn't currently sortable. I suggest sending a message to wishlist@lightorama.com about that.

As for the third party tool, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with it.

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You can (or could) open the channel property grid with Excel. Just use Excel to open the configuration file. Then you can sort.

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The .lcc file that is created when you export your configuration. In Excel, you will have to change file type to all. Note, this only works with newer versions of Excel - 2003 and 2007. It does not work pre 2003 because the earlier versions could not read XML (I might be wrong on pre 2003, old age and all.)

This is very handy to print off worksheet to take outside. You can make the print large enough to read!

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Thanks Dave, I walked down that path already, I was wondering if you had something else in mind. The issue there is that one has to know that the controllers are numbered in hex. They won't exactly appear as they do inside the Channel Property Grid.

I use a different XLS (Rick Williams of Quartz Hill) to manage the outside, but this method is good to help debug the LOR channel map assignment

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(A round-about way, but I have used this method in the past and it worked great)

I print the channels as a pdf file and then use 'Able2Extract' which parses the pdf into an excel spreadsheet.

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