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Shimmer/Twinkle issues


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I am not sure if this is a setting issue or not but when I use the shimmer or twinkle buttons whether I am using custom or not it shows it as a solid in the sequencer. When played it responds like it supposed to in the visualizer. Doesn't show the lines or crosses like previous version. Is this supposed to be this way with the new version. Hope this makes sense makes it hard to know where you put a twinkle or a shimmer if it shows solid on.


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Most likely this is an OpenGL issue ( has to do with how the Sequence Editor displays the grid in the latest versions ).

This thread http://lightorama.mywowbb.com/view_topic.php?id=22934&forum_id=90 is most likely related to your problem (although based onthe topic title, it may not seem to be).


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