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S2 Version 2.8.12


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Version 2.8.12 of the software has been released. It contains support in the Sequence Editor for opting to keep lights on at the end of play, plus bug fixes.

If you have not yet seen the release notes for the previous versions of 2.8.*, they can be found here:

2.8.6: http://lightorama.mywowbb.com/forum55/22717.html
2.8.8: http://lightorama.mywowbb.com/forum55/22755.html
2.8.10: http://lightorama.mywowbb.com/forum55/22929.html

For the complete change log, please refer to the help file's "What's New" page, which you can see online at:


You can get the installer for the new version from the software download page:


If that page says a version number other than 2.8.12, please try hitting your browser's "refresh" button.

Now, a brief summary of the changes:

  • The Sequence Editor's Play menu now has a "Lights Off at End" item, which lets you control whether lights will automatically be turned off at the end of play or not.
  • If "Lights Off at End" is disabled (i.e. if you choose not to have lights automatically turned off at the end of play), the Play menu and the toolbar now also have "Lights Off Now", which will let you manually turn them off.
  • Bug fix: If, while importing a channel configuration file, you double-clicked the file's name in the file browsing dialog, this could have caused the Sequence Editor to think that you clicked on the sequence "under" the dialog, and so various things might happen such as a cell being inadvertently turned on.
  • Bug fix: DMX events fitting certain characteristics would cause the display to temporarily blank out during play if "Vary Color of Channel Buttons" was enabled.
  • Bug fix: In certain situations, such as after an undo, the channel dropdown list in the Animator would spontaneously change to the first channel.
  • Bug fix: Deleting an RGB channel from a sequence would not cause Animator cells drawn with that RGB channel to be deleted.
  • Bug fix: In certain situations, Animator cells drawn using a constituent channel of an RGB channel would spontaneously disappear.
  • Bug fix: Very small fades (for example, 0% to 1%) over relatively long spans of time could cause other effects to appear elsewhere on the same channel.
  • Bug fix: The Color Fade tool would give an option to use DMX effects even if DMX editing was disabled.
  • Bug fix: If the Color Fade tool was used to create DMX effects, and those DMX effects were themselves fades, they would not be sent to the controller. They are now sent, but (as of the time of this writing) the hardware does not support DMX fades, and so they are translated into normal fades before actually being sent to the controller.

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