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Music Files

Sparky Griswold

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Just created a musical sequence. Trying to import a different media file but the sequence wont' recognize it. I can bring in any other media file but it doesn't see the one I'm trying to import. Any ideas??? Thanks in advance.


Phx, AZ

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Guest Don Gillespie

bryanblake wrote:

Just created a musical sequence. Trying to import a different media file but the sequence wont' recognize it. I can bring in any other media file but it doesn't see the one I'm trying to import. Any ideas??? Thanks in advance.


Phx, AZ

Is the file you are trying to import an MP3 file? also give us some information did you do a sequence using a different song and are you now trying to change the music please explain what you did so we can try to help you, if it isn't an MP3 file it may not recogonize the file and do you have your media files in the LOR audio file this is what we need to know in order to help you
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