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New Radio Sign Finshed


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timmy wrote:

Nice looking. I like the colorfulness. Are the letters dimensional?

Yes the letters and numbers are 3 dimensional. I got the letters at Joann's for a $1 a piece on clearance, they are foam sparkle. The numbers are from the $1 store and wood. I painted them sparkle and put a lacquer finish on them, they look a lot better in person.

here is a pic of the back, its an old tripod, I'm gonna use a screw-in ground stake and attach it to the center of the tripod.

Attached files 212542=11859-P1010003.JPG
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Here is my sign .... a friend of mine does graphics for a living.

I designed it ... he printed it on the size of a real estate sign. It will be lit from behind.


Attached files 212701=11864-IMG_0002.JPG

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