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Sequence-in-sequence - good uses?


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Does anyone have good examples for using sequence-in-sequence?

I have a 30 minute R-G-B color changing loop. Ramps and fades over lapping from one color to another. I don't think I can smoothly insert a loop. Hopefully I'm wrong.



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I would say a good use for this type of sequence (sequence in a sequence) would be for areas of a song that repeats itself. You just call the sequence and limit it to the duration for where it fits. I've been playing around with this for my Coro Baby Arches and it seems to work very well. Although I haven't really impplemented into any of my sequences this year because I am new to all this and am still learning a lot of the neat tricks others use to make and give their displays that WOW factor.

But it seems the best use for "Sequnece in a Sequence" is so you don't have to enter the same animation flow to the music where the music repeats, like a chorus for example, 2 or 3 times in a song.

Would make for cleaner and easier sequencing I'd think.

So I'm now trying to construct these outside sequences that I can just call up in the main song sequence, but it'll be next years sequencing that gets tweaked for them. This year I've got most of my sequencing done I'm doing for Halloween and Christmas. So my experimenting will resume after the Christmas season ends for this year 2010.

But that's the best idea and information I can give on using them.

BTW: I also use loops on the arch so it's a small outside sequence that just plugs into the main sequence. But, like stated, I don't have the time to redo all the sequences this year to incorporate them. So next year in 2011, my sequencing should improve a bit more using this technique. At least that's what I'm hoping for!

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tboerjan wrote:

First, copy and paste. From master to others; limit to songs' length. Second, I haven't used them, but possibly tracks?
Are you doing animations or music?

I'm the copy/paste kid and love tracks. This one is just animation, I'm a big fan of quiet time with color changes (need to give viewers a minute to breathe:).

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Orville wrote:

I would say a good use for this type of sequence (sequence in a sequence) would be for areas of a song that repeats itself. You just call the sequence and limit it to the duration for where it fits.
This makes sense, using the same sequence, but edited

But it seems the best use for "Sequence in a Sequence" is so you don't have to enter the same animation flow to the music where the music repeats, like a chorus for example, 2 or 3 times in a song.
This is where I'm wrestling S-i-S vs. copy/paste, not sure if S-i-S saves much more time.


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glad to see others finally using the "Subsequence" tool in the editor

It's very useful when you have a certain specific set of effects that you want to recreate several times within a sequence.

I started using the subs back in '08 with my halloween show, such that I have a small animation sequence to flash the lights for my lightning effect. then just call it from the parent sequence when ever the audio hit a thunder crash.

Subsequences are like dynamic web content in that you can have the effect occur several times and in multiple parent sequences then if you decided you want to slightly alternate the effect you just make the change ONCE in the sub and all other sequences will reflect the changes.

for people who use fixed timing grids of .05 or .1 seconds can use this for many other things like leaping arches. The limitation of using these is that they are NOT dynamic in timing such that you can call a sub sequence and have it "fit" within an are to create variations in the length of the sequence. if the call from the parent sequence is longer than subsequence, the sub will start over (not always what you want). It's best if your sub sequence has a couple of extra seconds of blank space at the end of it to avoid an unwanted loop back

hopefully at some point you could assign parameters to the call in the parent sequence to tell it how many time to run the sub and have it stretch or shrink to fit

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