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CTB16 Wierdness

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Finally got all 3 of my controllers mounted in cases and connected to pigtails today. I connected 48 nightlights to them (the Dollar Store loves me!).

Weird thing is that one of the controllers has 3 flaky channels on it. Using the hardware utility, all channels work fin when doing a chase sequence. But if you just turn on all channels, these 3 channels (10, 11, & 16) will not turn on. If I lower the intensity, eventually #16 will turn on, but the other two don't. If I do a 'Fade On', the 3 flaky channels will fade up to a point, then turn off.

I know it is not the night lights, as I have swapped them with other channels and the problems on these particular channels. The other two controllers are fine as well.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,


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Good guess, but these lights are always on (a feature I purposely sought).

I have done a little more investigation on this. The output leg of the opto on each bad channel reads 30VAC when all channels are on. The working channels read around 21VAC.

I switched an opto-isolator on a bad channel for one on a good channel and the problem has followed the opto-isolator to the previously good channel. So I need to call LOR on Monday and get 3 optos I guess. It is kinda strange that I built 48 channels at once, and all of the bad optos are on one of the three boards. Also, if these things are prone to failure, should they be in a socket instead of soldered to the board?


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